
What do we do if we can’t make the (reasonable) adjustments?

When you receive advice from occupational health professionals, or any other medical professionals about adjustments or accommodations that may help someone in the workplace, an employer needs to consider whether these adjustments or accommodations are reasonable and possible. If a member of staff suffers from a health condition that is classed ...

Tips on managing absences

Staff absences are problematic for any organisation, and absence rates are at the highest they have been for over 10 years currently. With greater staff absence comes less productivity, greater company expense, less certainty and often a reduction in quality in the service your organisation provides. There are generally no upsides ...

Why have I been referred to occupational health?

If you have been referred to occupational health by your employer, you may have some questions, primarily you may need to understand…’why have I been referred to occupational health?’. Usually this is because your employer would like some medical advice from a specialist in their field about the best way to ...


Journaling can take any shape or form you would like it to, however traditionally, it is simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to release them or to gain clarity, understanding and make sense of them more readily.  The beauty of journaling is that there are no right or wrong ...
Occupational health pricing

Enhanced OH package prices

From 1st January 2023 we will be increasing the price of our enhanced OH package from £30 per employee to £35. If you currently obtain this service via your staff absence insurance policy you will be unaffected. As you’ll know we avoid price increases wherever possible at Smart Clinic, however due ...
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Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.


Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.