
Absence management policies.

Go to our absence management policy template Staff absences can be costly to a business. Mental health absences alone cost employers around £7billion per year. In 2018 17.5m working days were lost to work-related stress, depression and anxiety. When considering physical health issues too, alongside the cost of presenteeism, care giving, sickness ...

The difference between an occupational health advisor and physician report

What is the difference between an occupational health advisor and physician? An occupational health advisor (OHA) is a nurse, with specialist training and qualifications in occupational health. An occupational physician (OHP) is a doctor with specialist training and qualifications in occupational health. Within the profession of occupational health, the difference in ...
Occupational health pricing

2023 pricing

If you are a Smart Clinic customer using pay-as-you-go services (i.e. services chargeable on a case-by-case basis) please take note of the following pricing information. Please note, this does not apply to any arrangements with Split Dimension. At the Smart Clinic our pay-as-you-go pricing has been unchanged since we began delivering ...