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Cognitive function assessments

Helping employers to identify ways of supporting those with neurodivergent traits. Our cognitive function assessment will evaluate those with neurodivergent traits or a neurodiversity diagnosis, helping the employer and the employee to identify ways of supporting them at work. This two-stage assessment begins with an online cognitive screening tool, which helps to ...

Tips on managing absences

Staff absences are problematic for any organisation, and absence rates are at the highest they have been for over 10 years currently. With greater staff absence comes less productivity, greater company expense, less certainty and often a reduction in quality in the service your organisation provides. There are generally no upsides ...

What not to say to occupational health

You’ve been referred to occupational health, and now you’re feeling nervous. You aren’t sure what to say, and you’re worried that whatever you say may land you in trouble. Does that sound familiar? You’re not alone – ‘what not to say to occupational health’ is one of the most regularly asked ...