Amending an occupational health report

Occupational health managed services

Do you currently have an internal occupational health department that you’re finding difficult to manage? Our occupational health managed services is the perfect solution for you.

We know that your company expertise is unlikely to be occupational health. Even your HR department are unlikely to be medically trained or specialists in occupational health, so managing this internally can be difficult, but operationally necessary.

That’s where we come in.

We can take over the management of your internal occupational health department to remove the day-to-day responsibility whilst ensuring your occupational health and safety remains internal rather than outsourced.

This is an entirely bespoke service, so please contact us directly to explore options and pricing. However some of the options available include:

  • Management of your existing occupational health staff
  • Establishing and working towards your existing KPIs
  • Setup of branded ( / email addresses for your existing relevant HR / OH staff)
  • Collaboration with your existing teams to work towards your company goals
  • Setup of technical infrastructure including medical equipment, IT networks, portals and shared storage areas
  • External advice on occupational health practices
  • Implementation of occupational health improvements, designed to increase efficiency and efficacy

To discuss your requirements, please get in touch today.